Monday, August 13, 2007

Puppies Settling in Well

We have been fortunate enough to offer a family, care of their loved 8 year old Siberian Husky whilst they go over to South Africa for voluntary work for about 4-6 months. Gypsy came to stay for holidays towards the end of July. She is absoulately gorgeous! Red coat with gorgeous blue eyes! What more can I ask for. Perhaps that these colours come in either a handbag or a pair of shoes! LOL! Really!

Apparently friends of Gypsy's owner have established a non profit organisation "Food, Water, Shelther" a worthwhile organise which provide the basic essentials that we take for grated to third world countries such as South Africa. Anyway Gypsy gets to have a holiday with us whilst her owner "Darren" getts to do something world changing for himself and 1,000 0f other people.

Gypsy is a real sweety. When she first came she was quite cranky with Cash and kept on growling at him as well as bossed him around. It was really funny! I suppose she was just getting used to not being the boss of the yard.

But now as time has gone by Cash and Gypsy are getting along realy well. I just love watching them play. They are like kids. Cash sort of nudges her to say "come on, your it". Then the game begins. It is also nice to see that both Gypsy and Cash just love standing up on the chairs (which are placed near the kitchen window) and looking in through the kitchen window to see what I am doing. I think they both think perhaps she is getting us some tea! I suppose dogs can also live in hope! lol

Amy-Jane and I also love taking them both for a walk. But I must say Gypsy is like a dream, she walks really well. There is no pull on the lead what so ever compared to Cash. With Cash it's like hold and see where the ride takes you. I should have well defined muscles in my arms from walking (hanging on to) Cash. Or perhaps I should just put on some skates! Yes that would be a sight to see!

It is also funny a breakfast and tea time with the dogs. Yes we have to separate them as Cash devoures his food very swiftly and Gypsy takes her time and enjoys her meal. She is a real character or should I say a real girl. She seems to love laying in her bed, especially on a sunny morning and just has a little play with a toy. A bit like me laying in bed reading and not wanting to get out.

Anyway it seems that Gypsy has settled well into her "Claytons" family and we will enjoy the time she is spending with us. We hope Darren, his partner and his son are blessed with God's spirit in completing their mission they have set themselves and their organisation and come home safely to their parents, friends and Gypsy. Glod bless their journey! All our prayers are with them and their group of volunteers.