Amy-Jane's school participated in the Southern Stars 2008 event which was held at the WIN Entertainment Centre, Wollongong.
This meant that for the best interest of the children that the said Mother.... ME! Spend from Thursday afternoon (28 August) til Sunday (31 August) down at Wollongong. These were long days for the children.
The children had practice on Wednesday and Thursday, then had a practice performance on Friday. Saturday consisted of two performances, a matinee and an evening performance.
So lucky me got to play tourist on Friday and Saturday mid afternoon. All by myself mind you. It is really hard to take a decent photo of one's self and the light house! or anything else mind you. So hence the photo's of Wollongong's most renowned tourist sites without accompanied people in the background. LOL! Here we go, The light house, the smelter plant and the views from the light house point.
During the performance AJ had a few friends spend some time with us which consisted of shoppi9ng, eating, tourist sight seeing and playing on the equipment near the WIN Entertainment Centre.
I had a great time with my daughter, and even enjoyed the evenings. Troy and Matthew came down on Saturday afternoon as we went to see the performance then. Wow! Does the Illwarra have some talented young people that God has blessed.
It was a fantastic show in which I would highly recommend to everyone to see. I hope AJ participates again next year.