My baby has started high school today! I'm happy and sad. Where has the time gone? What a long day it has been. Had to drag out 6 hours without my daughter.

Thank goodness I managed to fill my time with some photography practice and surfin' "Clickinmoms" and every other photography site and blog on the net.
Our little girl went off to high school. The morning started off good, but a couple of little words (supposed to be of humour) from the big brother resulted in tears! Men! Yep as a female she over reacted.
Anyway we got to drop her off - no kisses for Mum or Dad, no goodbye, see ya! Nothing except a smile while she headed off into the school grounds! So I was happy with that for the day.
3.00 pm time to collect the baby child from school. Arrive early and wait, hoping that she enjoyed her day.
Yep! There she is, smiling! Good start or so we thought! Our baby got into the car and complained about her school bag hurting her shoulder. And as mother does, make a comment on her choice of school bag - there it was.............tears!
Then nothing! All I wanted to do was hear about her wonderful first day at high school. Got home and she ended up in her bedroom for the afternoon. She is just starting to speak to me. But unfortunately not about her day. Maybe later!
Little girls - ARE MOODY! Even if they are your baby. LOL!