Do you every have those days where you start to think why? what if? what is going on? why me? why now? why not? what happened? what did I do? what didn't I do? blah! blah!
Well I think today was one of those, I mean to say was one of those days!
Tuesday's are a great day. But today it was a challenge, at the very start of the day. Challenging is a major understatement! BIG TIME!
I was woken up by my daugther to inform me that we had no power! Just what you needed to hear at 6.20 am in the morning. I had been sleeping on and off during the night and had last looked at the clock at 5.00 pm. Good bye great sleep time!
Husband off to work! He would not doubt be able to have a nice hot cuppa! Children running around the house stating the obvious! DAR! So I thougth I might wait it out and have a power for the electric kettle! And just the start of the day. How will I survive!
After 7.30 pm the power come back on and normal activities when about this household!
Off to work we go!
Tuesday I have a great day, great classes! Except for today, there was something extremely challenging about it. I have two ladies in my class whom are seeming NOT to grasp the concept of MS Excel, even with 1 on 1 instructions.
I just don't know, maybe it's the end of term and all over run teachers are needing a serious break! But I truly just felt that I could ram my head against a brick wall and not feel a thing. I just don't know how to get through to these two ladies the concepts that I have been teaching them, other than talking through the steps one by one! Arrgghh! It is so frustrating!
My class was from 9.00 am to 12.20 pm this morning and it is now 8.30 pm and I still feel frustrated! So brings me to the questionings of why? what if? what is going on? why me? why now? why not? what happened?
I think this is one of God's challenge's in my world to try and find a solution to this problem, to be tested! To be challenged! Which unfortunately has played out onto my family. But as usual they just think I am a tired cranky old mother/wife who just wants to make their life a living hell.
Mmmmm! Problem! Seriously NO!
But I must admit, I do wonder why God does this, especially when he has challenged me in other areas of my life which are far more challenging than this.
At this present time I must admit that I feel totally frustrated, undirected, unmotivated, blah, blah, blah. But then I look at my children and think how wonderful they are and what would I do without them. There is that unconditional love that you can always fall back on when you are unmotivated or need motivation!
Life is a constant challenge and you either sink or swim or just float by for a while until you have the energy or the drive to go for what you want!
Hopefully most people do end up finding the energy/drive to go for what they want and take that chance no matter what the odds are and find happiness amoungst the challenges.
Yeap! Today can now be put down to one of those frustrating day! Done Deal! Bring on Wednesday!
Tuesday, April 8, 2008
Do you every ?????
Posted by Leisa at 8:24 PM 1 comments
Wednesday, April 2, 2008
Wonders will never cease!
Yes that is right! Wonders will never cease in my world.
I actually found the motivation to do some scrapbooking yesterday! Yes that's right ........ scrapbooking. Well actually it was an OTP project that has been in the back of my mind for quite some time now.
But this week enough was enough! I have been sick and tired at going to our address book and finding that the alphabetical tabs were tearing off. Kids rating through it and adding their friends numbers in it and always finding it in condition that it shouldn't be in.
So yesterday after watching the latest "Scrapbooking Memories" DVD I found the motivation I needed to do this. I had alread brought quite a few hard covered spiral bound note books to do something creative with. Out the supplies came and crafting away I went.
Even my children were quite surprised and offering words of encouragement. I forget how much I enjoyed doing traditional scrapbooking, but also forget how messy it can be. As well as how inconvient it can be, especially when you get motivated just before tea time when the pressure is on to produce something healthy and substaintial and wholesome for the family! Blah!
But anyway I am now very thankful that I have produced a very nice address book to be at the sacrificial hands of this family. Lets just see how long this one lasts! And here is proof that I really trully did some traditional scrapbooking for a major big change!

Posted by Leisa at 7:55 PM 0 comments