Yes that is right! Wonders will never cease in my world.
I actually found the motivation to do some scrapbooking yesterday! Yes that's right ........ scrapbooking. Well actually it was an OTP project that has been in the back of my mind for quite some time now.
But this week enough was enough! I have been sick and tired at going to our address book and finding that the alphabetical tabs were tearing off. Kids rating through it and adding their friends numbers in it and always finding it in condition that it shouldn't be in.
So yesterday after watching the latest "Scrapbooking Memories" DVD I found the motivation I needed to do this. I had alread brought quite a few hard covered spiral bound note books to do something creative with. Out the supplies came and crafting away I went.
Even my children were quite surprised and offering words of encouragement. I forget how much I enjoyed doing traditional scrapbooking, but also forget how messy it can be. As well as how inconvient it can be, especially when you get motivated just before tea time when the pressure is on to produce something healthy and substaintial and wholesome for the family! Blah!
But anyway I am now very thankful that I have produced a very nice address book to be at the sacrificial hands of this family. Lets just see how long this one lasts! And here is proof that I really trully did some traditional scrapbooking for a major big change!

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