Monday, March 24, 2008

I am still around - sometimes????

Lots to post but as usual no time to post them all!

Have had a very quite and enjoyable Easter weekend, just spent at home doing great fun things like catching up with all the clean, ironing, dusting, etc etc.

Have also been spending time in the kitchen this weekend which isn't like me (due to the time factor). So far have made tomatoe relish, from the abundance of tomatoes growing in the vegie garden. Did some semi-dried tomatoes in the oven and they smell delicious. Have also been baking. Like I said I have really enjoyed it, probably because I know I have had four days off doing just what I want.

Even starting to feel like doing some traditional scrapbooking which is a really big surprise as I was thinking that traditional scrapbooking was going to move to the "To Hard" basket. But I did only said "starting to feel like it". Especially after I keep looking at Lusi Austin's blog. Wow Girl! You are so talented.

Well best get back to work. I am conducting a workshop this coming Thursday and best do a quick powerpoint on the subject matter.