Lots to post but as usual no time to post them all!
Have had a very quite and enjoyable Easter weekend, just spent at home doing great fun things like catching up with all the clean, ironing, dusting, etc etc.
Have also been spending time in the kitchen this weekend which isn't like me (due to the time factor). So far have made tomatoe relish, from the abundance of tomatoes growing in the vegie garden. Did some semi-dried tomatoes in the oven and they smell delicious. Have also been baking. Like I said I have really enjoyed it, probably because I know I have had four days off doing just what I want.
Even starting to feel like doing some traditional scrapbooking which is a really big surprise as I was thinking that traditional scrapbooking was going to move to the "To Hard" basket. But I did only said "starting to feel like it". Especially after I keep looking at Lusi Austin's blog. Wow Girl! You are so talented.
Well best get back to work. I am conducting a workshop this coming Thursday and best do a quick powerpoint on the subject matter.
Monday, March 24, 2008
I am still around - sometimes????
Posted by Leisa at 2:37 PM 0 comments
Monday, March 3, 2008
Monday Happening...
Godness me, it is really hard to come to terms that the children have now been back at school for 6 weeks. Where have those weeks gone????

Posted by Leisa at 4:27 PM 2 comments
Saturday, March 1, 2008
30 +GST (well lots of GST) Unfortunately!
O.k. today the 1st of March is my birthday. And what a lovely relaxing day it was as well as beautiful weather. It is my favourite time of year.... yes getting spoilt as well as enjoying the weather.
I just love this weather. Absolutely beautiful days and cool nights and cold morning. Just fantastic. Makes you appreciate everything about the day and night.
Well since it was my birthday and all, my daddy come over to visit me. My children and husband spoilt me with a beautiful Pandora braclet. These gorgeous braclet's have little trinkets which represent something special. From the left the first trinket is L for my name (Dar!), next is one with diamonds (another dar!)... I just love diamonds, next is a puppy dog which represents my two gorgeous huskies, next is a trinket full of hearts representing that both my children love me lots and lots, next is a handbag need I say more, the next is a trinket with red stones in it as I love red, and the last is that my husband loves me lots and lots. This is such a special braclet and I am truly blessed that I have a family that cherish me. During the morning I received another surprise from my gorgeous daughter. She brought home a lamp in the shape of a handbag. It is just wonderful! But the husband said how silly he was to be feeding my habit! Oh well.... he will just have to live with it.
We spent the afternoon out at the block with my father. Troy cooked a beautiful camp oven which is a favourite of mine. I spent the afternoon in the sun, reading and enjoying a beautiful bottle of white wine. I also managed to get in an hours sleep!
Matthew had his motorbike out there as well and after a while, or should I say after two glasses of wine I thought I might just have a ride of his bike. My goodness! I haven't rode a motorbike for many a year and know why! Far too much GST in the equation!
The four of us went for a walk to the old rifle range whic is at the back of the property and as usually I was too busy taking my time with camera in tow. This is a really nice photo of Troy and AJ just taking time and chatting. She loves spending time with her Dad, which is rare and a beautiful and special time when it happens.
I thought that it was nice if Mum had a photo with the daughter as well.

So now, at home, it is time to put up the photo's and then hop into a nice hot bath and relax the evening away til bedtime.
Yes it is a hard life and I will put myself out to do it. And unfortunately I will have lots to catch up with tomorrow!
Posted by Leisa at 8:22 PM 2 comments