Well miracles do happen! You might wanted to make sure you are sitting down and don't have a coffee in hand when you continue reading on.
Guess what? I actually did some traditional scrapbooking yesterday. Yes I know, such a big shock to the system! Especially mine! LOL!
Yeap no digital, just plain old fashioned touchy feely scrapbooking layouts. And here is the next surprisingly shocking bit.
3 double page layouts, and
6 single page layouts
Complete, all in one day! I need to say again completed all in one (1) day. I know, what goes on there? Well I will tell you.
After spending last weekend at the SWS Retreat, I thought I best start using up the many many supplies I have for traditional scrapbooking and besides I was in the mood!!
Amy-Jane went to one of friends house for a sleep over. Troy and Matthew went trial riding up the Cookbundoon Mountain range. So that just left little old me, alone at home, to yes you guessed it, scrapbook!
And I didn't even have to stop and feed children, run them around to places, go to sports, provide entertain to anyone, except for me! Hooray! I even had tea in the slow cooker - BBQ Beef Ribs - Yummy (thanks Carol for posting that receipe on SOF). All organised. So off I went. OMG - how productive was I. I am still in shock, I think!
I even rewarded myself after the vast amount of LO production with some Mercy Valley Sweet Chilli Cheese, Menindee Seedless Grapes, a little bit of Cabo, rice crackers and a glass of Cab Sav. This was well deserved!
Wow! I achieved, I produced, I didn't procrasinate! LOL!
I couldn't be bothered scanning in the layouts so I just took some photos of them. If you may notice that the Lusi Austin "Freestyle" effect is on just about every single one! See what you have now create Lusi Lou!
No staples on this page, just lots of Artline Marker pen, Lusi!
Lusi this photo doesn't do the LO any justice for the Artline Marker! But please take note!

Wow Leisa you are amazing, I don't ever think that I could say that I have ever completed that many layouts in a day - the journalling alone would take me a day to do - good on you though love to see someone being so productive. The look awesome too.
you rock girl!
loved seeing your layouts here mate and so glad you got something out of our time together. I got something out of our time together - an awesome handmade layout...thanks!!!!! :)
hope you are well!
love lus x
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