Holidays are never long enough are they! Especially not mine! The four of us went up to the Gold Coast for two beautiful weeks.
We leased a gorgeous large house at Mermaid Waters. The house was huge. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, swimming pool, jetty on the canal. It was great! We were so spoilt. We really were! I mean the ensuite was twice the size of my kitchen.
We also rented a Jeep Wrangler from a car hire company from hell! Yes it was a Red, which was all it and the company had going for it. They did business out the back of a Tarago van! We paid for what we got! But you always have to have something to talk about with holidays.
In these two weeks we did all the “Worlds”. You know Wet ‘n’ Wild, Movieworld, Seaworld, Dreamworld. We even went to the Australian Outback Spectacular, which was just fantastic.
The most memorable part of the holiday for me was that I got to swim with a dolphin named “Gemma” at Seaworld, it was a wonderful experience that I look forward to doing again. This was a treat from Troy, Matthew and Amy-Jane as they knew that I had always wanted to do this. And the other thing was going to the Outback Spectacular. Those riders were just so amazing as well as the wait staff to logistically pull off bringing all the food out all at once (and keeping it hot). It was a fantastic show and you should go if you have the opportunity.
I also was coerced into having my very first ride at Movieworld on the “Superman Escape” coaster. Far out! It was the most scariest ride I have ever been on. 0-100 in 2 seconds. 131 feet in the air, 760 meters of vertical climbs, weightless drops and giant G-force turns.
Definitely far out! I had to be helped getting out of the coaster. My throat was sore from screaming and I was still shaking half way through the day. OMG!
These crazy kids of mine! They went on every single scary ride. At Wet n Wild AJ went on the Surf Rider 14 times. Her and Matthew loved the Lethal Weapon ride at Movieworld. AJ and Troy rode the Tower of Terror at Dreamworld. Troy and Matthew managed to do The Giant Drop. And yes I actually went on the Mick Doonan Moto Coaster. The three of them went on crazy rides like the Wipe Out and The Claw at Dreamworld.
They are all crazy. I even got woozie watching them whilst I was taking photos. Crazy!
We had great weather up there all bar two days which we spent one of those days inside catching up on the DVD new releases and the other day we spent cruising around Surfer’s, checking out the sights and took the kids to the “Hard Rock Cafe” for lunch.
It was a good relaxing holiday, but all good things come to end so with much regret the four of us headed of to the Gold Coast airport after two weeks for the flight home. And yes when we go home we had to face the cold!
We leased a gorgeous large house at Mermaid Waters. The house was huge. 6 bedrooms, 4 bathrooms, swimming pool, jetty on the canal. It was great! We were so spoilt. We really were! I mean the ensuite was twice the size of my kitchen.
We also rented a Jeep Wrangler from a car hire company from hell! Yes it was a Red, which was all it and the company had going for it. They did business out the back of a Tarago van! We paid for what we got! But you always have to have something to talk about with holidays.
In these two weeks we did all the “Worlds”. You know Wet ‘n’ Wild, Movieworld, Seaworld, Dreamworld. We even went to the Australian Outback Spectacular, which was just fantastic.
The most memorable part of the holiday for me was that I got to swim with a dolphin named “Gemma” at Seaworld, it was a wonderful experience that I look forward to doing again. This was a treat from Troy, Matthew and Amy-Jane as they knew that I had always wanted to do this. And the other thing was going to the Outback Spectacular. Those riders were just so amazing as well as the wait staff to logistically pull off bringing all the food out all at once (and keeping it hot). It was a fantastic show and you should go if you have the opportunity.
I also was coerced into having my very first ride at Movieworld on the “Superman Escape” coaster. Far out! It was the most scariest ride I have ever been on. 0-100 in 2 seconds. 131 feet in the air, 760 meters of vertical climbs, weightless drops and giant G-force turns.
Definitely far out! I had to be helped getting out of the coaster. My throat was sore from screaming and I was still shaking half way through the day. OMG!
These crazy kids of mine! They went on every single scary ride. At Wet n Wild AJ went on the Surf Rider 14 times. Her and Matthew loved the Lethal Weapon ride at Movieworld. AJ and Troy rode the Tower of Terror at Dreamworld. Troy and Matthew managed to do The Giant Drop. And yes I actually went on the Mick Doonan Moto Coaster. The three of them went on crazy rides like the Wipe Out and The Claw at Dreamworld.
They are all crazy. I even got woozie watching them whilst I was taking photos. Crazy!
We had great weather up there all bar two days which we spent one of those days inside catching up on the DVD new releases and the other day we spent cruising around Surfer’s, checking out the sights and took the kids to the “Hard Rock Cafe” for lunch.
It was a good relaxing holiday, but all good things come to end so with much regret the four of us headed of to the Gold Coast airport after two weeks for the flight home. And yes when we go home we had to face the cold!
O.K. The photos! How do you blog two weeks worth of photos!
Yes another challeneg in the day to day life. What to include, what not to include! Hummm!

I had another 12x12 layout to published but I was experiencing Photoshop Element 3 errors! Truly don't think it was the operator. Something about Scratch Disk Error! Errrr!
Here are two photos that I thought I should have on the blog. Yes it is all about me! Especially when I got to swim with Gemma the dolphin!

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