This is something that I am continually struggling to understand.
Whilst on holidays on the Gold Coast. It was actually within the first few days, Troy turned the television on. I was in the kitchen organising some nibbles or getting tea ready (I just can't remember) when he started telling me to come here.
So after a few seconds I rushed in and stood there watching the TV. There was a familar face! And then I listened to the news. It was someone that we invited into our life, to help. Now gone. Why!
Darrent Stratti. He had been shot because of greed, which resulted in his untimely death. What a shock! Wow! How does this type of thing happen? It is hard to comprehend to us, let alone his family and loved ones.
Darren came into our life after receiving an email from the Siberian Husky Organisation. Darren was requesting that a kind hearted person would look after his much loved Husky "Gypsy". For some reason I felt that this was something that we could do. We could help someone out, especially since we can't save the world but we could help this person out.
We love our husky "Cash" and there was just something about this email message that stood out and said that he loved his husky and wanted someone to care for her as much as he did.
Darren told us about how he wanted to travel to Tanzania with his partner Rebecka to build a village which would house Kesho Leo children's village (orphan children).
Far out, some unbelieve work. What a compasionate person. Well it was truly our way of donating to this cause by helping out Darren.
Gyspy is a beauitfully natured dog. We do miss her so much since her return to Darren's boys. And we are also truly honoured that Darrent had touched our lives in this small small way.
What a remarkable person! To have such an open and giving heart. To think how remarkable his parents are to have raised such a wonderful young man.
I still sit here asking God......Why! It just doesn't make sense. But I am just one of many people who continues to ask God this. And unfortunately like many many people I will never know the answer to this.
On Darren's blog he states "Bad things happen when good people do nothing". How true! But he made good things happen over there.
God Bless Darren and rest in peace knowing that you have made a difference in the world. Big time!

Food Water Shelter was the organisation Darren was volunteering for. If you find it in your heart or be in a position to help out please contribute to this organisation of truly wonderful and compasionate people of Australia.
Anyway all I wanted to say that we miss Gypsy greatly, but not as much as all those people out there that miss Darren. You all should be extremely thankful that he has touched your heart.
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