Monday, August 6, 2007

Scrapping With Soul Retreat

Back to the real world, especially after a relaxing weekend away at a Scrapbooking Retreat organised by the Scrapping with Soul Girls from Nowra.

I had a really nice time, just sitting there and pretty much not being to productive at all! Not surprising that is what I seem to do best at on these weekends away. Usually big intentions but it just doesn't happen! LOL.

The retreat was held at Waterslea Conference Centre, North Nowra on the banks of the Shoalhaven River. It's an absolutely beautiful spot to be at. Caught up with Maree and Jo, which was great as these ladies have been very busy with their wonderful talents that they have.

I thought at the start of the weekend I best do a couple of workshops that way I will actually take something home that has definately been finished during the weekend. So my wonderful friend Rowena held a workshop doing a family layout, did that (except for the photo) 1 down. Also did the workshop of a board book "Life's Journey" with Maree. Well to my surprise I actually had photo's that suited this book and so dar dar! One completely finished project!

So I decided I best stop there as I didn't want to wear myself out! LOL. Sunday Rowena, Maree, Jo and I went walking towards the river so Maree could give Ro and I some photography lessons. We all had to laugh as I didn't have the right shoes to be walking down the steep high and cow paddocks. Yes I only brought along slippers and heels. You guessed it I decided on wearing the heels. Farm girl from way back!

Learnt a few little things like the "Sunny 16" rule, batteries went flat on my camera, posed for a few experimental shots sitting on canoes that were all lined up so Ro could make me the centre of attention and the surroundings "blur" and with the sun behind me. I was made for modelling! LOL big time! Don't forget to make me beautiful Maree. (She will have her work cut out!).

Anway had a lovely weekend catching up with friends and making new friends. Am once again looking forward to next year's retreat but glad to be home in my bed.


Rowena said...

Hmmm might post the pics I took on my blog!!!
Glad ya had a great weekend :)

miss~nance said...

It was a great week end wasnt it. I enjoyed catching up with you 2 Leisa.