Yes, Yes! I know I have posted for quite a while. Have a lot to post, when I get around to it but the past few weeks in summary:
Back at work with 17 hours of face to face teaching and 6 hours of lesson prep and other related duties. Which is really truly deserved. Yippy!
Absolutely flat out for the past 2 weeks preparing lessons for my two Cert IV Business classes, Cert II in Business, Computer Applications for the Office and Work Training classes.
Sticking to a strict schedule at home after school with children having free time then getting right into the homework and study.
Organising my church's end of fiscal year financial dealings, forecasting for 2008 and setting budgets as well as an overview of wages spent, etc, etc!
Running the children around for sport.
Spending time questioning lots of things in my mind whilst reading "What's so amazing about Grace".
Taking the daughter to Luna Park for her 10th birthday and having an absolutely great time with the family.
Enjoying having the Field family stay over for the weekend. As well as catching up with another friend and her children. And working out that my house is definately not big enough for 9 children and three Mum's. Time to extend?????
And I think that is about it. Will post later this week with the photo's taken at Luna Park and during the weekend with our visitors.
Now time to run and get breakfast, make lunches and get to work!
Monday, February 25, 2008
Posted by Leisa at 7:23 AM 0 comments
Saturday, February 9, 2008
Finally photos from the SWS SECET Scrap day
Well I have finally found the time or should I say made the time to download the photos that I took at the Scrapping with Soul SECET scrap day held in Nowra on 2 February.
Nowra Baptist Church Hall where the SECET Day's are held. The SWS do a great job organising this.
Rowena and I thought that it would be nice if our girls (Tara and Amy-Jane) came along and did some scrapping as well. They really enjoyed themselves as well.
Amy-Jane's first completed layout from the day.
When the tiredness of the day started to set in, Amy-Jane thought it would a great look to stick a yellow feather in her hair ...crazy child. All the girls ended up with a feather in their hair.
Even the lovely Gail couldn't elude the "Yellow Feather".
Posted by Leisa at 5:03 PM 3 comments
Friday, February 8, 2008
"The big 1 0"
Today Amy-Jane turned the big "1 0". She woke up bright and early all ready for her birthday presents which was a metallic "Pink" iPod Nano....coooool, a docking station with speakers, radio, alarm clock etc..... Also she got a game for her Nintendo DS from her brother.
She wasn't to please that she had to go to school, but with a little coaching and money for a lunch order and spending off she went.
Earlier tonight we had a sponge cake, filled cream and jam and of course pink icing topped with sprinkles. What else would a ten year old girl want other than a rather large chocolate mud cake for her birthday.
Anyway she enjoyed her special day and is sound asleep. I look at her today and think of where has the time little baby girl!
Posted by Leisa at 10:55 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, February 5, 2008
Last night at Goulburn Rep hockey trials an aquaintance told me about triathalons that are held at the Goulburn Swimming Pool on Tuesday evenings from 6 pm. Amy-Jane overhead me talking to Toni and said that she would like to see what this is about.
So tonight the four of us went off to the pool and was exposed to the world of fitness! Argh!
Fit people every! About 5.45 pm this evening I said to the kids lets get ready and go and have a look at this Aquathon stuff. So off we go.
We arrrived not knowing anybody and anything about serious fitness stuff..... We were directed to the Novice Organiser and the next thing you know I am completing form and Troy was directed with the kids towards the pool.
AJ stripped off into her swimmers and jumped into the pool to complete her very first bi-athalon with Matthew close behind. They had to swim 100 m and then jog 2 kms.
Troy and I was pleasantly surprised at the swimming leg, then onto the jogging. They got straight out of the pool and got themselves straight into their joggers and off they went. They looked so gorgeous and so into it.
Matthew and AJ both made good timing for their first event. Troy and I were extremely proud of them, our babies! Wow! To have their energy and determination.
We also rang and told the grandparents about the childrens efforts. I love it when I see the enjoyment in my childrens faces when they really want to achieve something.
I am so very proud of both of them. They can't wait until next Tuesday and are already discussing their training schedule for the week. Cute!
I will make sure that I have the camera next time as well as joggers for Mummy to run for encouragement (or really more likely power walk with the girl child when she has a stitch to ensure that she is breathing correctly). Anyway news just to hand.... the father thingk that he would have a "Crack at it". Yeah right... And as I am the Queen of all the Bling in the World". Bring it on! If you think you can do it, so can I (Oooophs.... do I have the time, the want and most importantly can I bring the laptop with me to do digital LO whilst I bi-athlete???) LOL!
Possibilities for Microsoft?????? Endless!
Posted by Leisa at 9:54 PM 1 comments
Monday, February 4, 2008
The Weekends Events

Posted by Leisa at 7:56 PM 1 comments