Well last weekend I had the chance to caught up with my gorgeous family. I drove my Dad back to Bathurst last Saturday and had the chance to spend some of the day with my beautiful niece Caitlin. It was her birthday and what better way to spend it with family. So as a dotting Aunty, I did what all Aunties need to do and brought the best present ever.... Yer right I hear my baby sister say! See that is the best thing about being the oldest Aunty, you get to buy all the really good noisey presents and no that it can't be returned on to your own children. Ha! Ha! Megan.
So as a wonderful and fun Aunty as I am I brought "Chicken Limbo". This is a game where you have to limbo under a battery operated chicken in which makes a wonderful musical sound whilst children are playing it until they hit the chickens tail and then it says "I got you" and the usual children sounds. Best thing brought ever to date.
So as all energetic children do... they play it flat out. Good stuff! It really drove me crazy in the first few minutes of it. But I never let anyone know until right now! LOL! It also drove the Mummy, the other Aunty and Uncle crazy as well. Like I said the best thing brought for a pressie since ages. I just have the gift of knowing what to buy. Right Aunty Megan?
Anyway during the afternoon all the children got to have a couple of rides of Grandad's harley, driven by Uncle Phillip. I don't know who got the most enjoyment out of this, Uncle Phillip (being actually allowed to ride the harley) or the kids. It was a great day and AJ and I really enjoy the couple of hours we got to spend with Dad, Megan, Caitlin, Ashlee, Phillip, Erin and Jackson. Oh of course we can't forget Cailtin's little friend Shinia who was was extremely energetic to say the least.
I am so blessed to have so a beautiful family. I mean that in the way we all get along no matter what we have all been/put ourselves through and that they look gorgeous. I know that my family breeds gorgeous children blessed by God.

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