Yes, Yes I know I am definately not good at this blog updating thing! Far too challenging for me at times.......
Have been busy with work. Preparing lots of good lessons for my classes. Even got to attend a professional development activity in Wollongong. It was for having a better understanding of eLearning environment and facilitating eLearning. I went with an open mind and was just going to enjoy the opportunity of actually attending a PD activity with work. But wow did I learn alot on Friday. The possibilties of eLearning. I never ceases to amaze me the continual development of technology and ways to use it.
Anyway in short both my Head Teacher and I thought we were just going to do a 1 day workshop. As it now has turned out, it is actual a major part of a unit of competency which will run over 8 weeks. We have lots of study and 8 Adobe Connect (web conferencing) session. I am really looking forward to this.
Well tonight AJ and I went to watch Troy play hockey in a minor hockey final. So I thought it would be a great opportunity to take the new camera and have a play around with it. Boy do I still have a lot of learn to master this piece of equipment. So they say "practice makes perfect"! And I definately need lots and lots of practice. Like I don't have anything else to do.
Matthew is at his first High School birthday party tonight. A party that goes from 5 pm to 11 pm. Goodness me, what is this child's mother thinking???? We did the good parent thing and sat both AJ and Matthew down this morning and had a talk about drugs with assistance with the booklet that every household got. And much to my surprise Matthew actually knew more about drugs than I did.
Apparently in his health class they have been covering alot on this subject which is really great to know. But I still felt uneasy about my baby going to a party. Anyway I thought it was best that Troy takes Matthew to the party as I would probably interogate the mother before Matthew got out of the car. As it happened the boy's mother is a police officer, but still I wasn't convinced. So I made Troy drive me around to the party on our way to hockey with the lame excuse of dropping off a jacket as he "might get cold"! LOL!
All's good! Yes Mum feels alot calmer about it all now. Just needed reassurance.
Anyway back to Troy's hockey....unfortunately his team didn't win so he has to play again next week. I also got to watch my old team play in their minor's as well. After watching both teams play I now remember why I am not playing hockey this season. Other than the freezing cold weather, I get to involved with the teams performance as well as the stupid calls from the umpires! I think a couple of the umpires refing Troy's game got their umpiring quals from the Cornflake packet and that's being to nice! See that is why I don't play hockey.

nice action shots!
Glad to hear you are busy ;)otherwise you might be wasting your time on something frivilous like scrap booking!
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