Well.... slience! Troy said that he was at Wilcannia Hospital. I just melted! Emotion has just overwhelmed me! My baby! What, Where, How, When, Tell Me!
So I got the "He had a crash, we're in hospital, he may have broken his leg. We might have to fly to Broken Hill." My reaction "What the ....." "My baby" ! Anyway long story short. Matthew was riding along and apparently two senior riders rode past and as they rode past they made a lot of dust and Matthew couldn't see where he was going and rode of the track. And stacked his bike.
Maternal instincts kicked in... he needs his mummy! Certainly not his Daddy! So yes I over reacted. But I am his Mother! I have this right. My baby boy..... nilly 13 years old...... there is nothing of him! Wilcannia... do they even have a Doctor!
So, Troy kept on reassuring me that he (Matthew) would be right, so all I could do was pray to God that he and Troy would be flown to Broken Hill by the wonderful and caring Royal Flying Doctors and end up everything being alright.
Yes, prayers were definately answered. Thank's be to God! What a wonderful and devine person is he that he himself has the power to answer my prayers and ensure that my beloved son is alright.
So that this minute I contine to pray that they are travelling safely home from Broken Hill, bu are closure to Goulburn to arrive safely home to a concerned and caring sister and a blessed Mother.
But all in all, after talking to Troy and hearing Matthew in the background asking if he has to go to school.... I am sure that God has certainly answered our prayers and it continuing his watch over our blessed family.
We are truly blessed to have wonderful friends that God has blessed up with in our journey to a more spiritual and worthy life.
Rowena and Bill you are true disciples of the Lord in which you preach wonderful and true meanings of the Lord in your special ways. God bless you and your family for the eternal life you have chosen! Troy and I are truly blessed that we have your both in our life!
God Bless!
Sunday, July 29, 2007
Unexpected Moment!
Posted by Leisa at 9:51 PM 0 comments
Update No.2
Yes.... well I thought I best make the effort to catch up on the life and times of the Cook Family. Well what can I say except that this weekend has been full of events and stressful times for Mummy Cook! Mmmm!
Ok, let's see. Leisa (yes Me!) went off to Parkes to help one of my dearest friends Rowena with a Scrapbooking outreach service to Parkes (NSW) Baptis Church. It all started on the early hours of Friday night when my mobile phone kept beeping. I thought that I must have been receiving messages from my husband Troy as he and Matthew were traveling to Cobar for a motorbike trail ride. 11.30 ish I decided to get up out of bed and check the messages and found that Troy had left a message but before I could read it the phone went flat.
Bugger! Not to worry! All is well! Amy-Jane is staying at the grandparents and Troy and Matthew are together. What more could happen. The Moss family telephone is in the telephone directory if anyone needed to get into contact with me!
So, off to the Scrapbooking day I went. A lovely time had and plenty of new friends made. I think that is one of the most enjoyable things about scrapping is the making of new friends. Yes I had planned to be productive but I have helped instruct the participants to achieve the kit that they had come to do. It was definately good fun!
I was especially grateful in catching up with some good friends such as Michelle and Sarah. In which I haven't seen for quite sometime. It was truly enjoyable. But as anything, not an enough time to catch up, but better than nothing.
Later that evening Rowena, Michelle, Sarah, Ro's brother Phil and his wife Annette and their gorgeous children Davey and Isabelle went to tea with an unexpected guest of Mr Brett Furner. We all enjoyed each others fellowship and a wonderful meal that evening.
But anyway, after all this enjoyable time, Ro and I went to have coffee at Annette's and Phil's place. I had received an unexpected call from Troy. I said to Troy that I didn't think that he had reception from the trial ride.. Anyway he didn't........................................... Ricketer Scale 100!
Posted by Leisa at 9:36 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 12, 2007
Days 8, 9 10 & 11
Well not much happening but relaxing at home. Which has been enjoyable by all. Yes even the kids. We all have been catching up on our DVD watching, PS2 gaming and computer gaming.

Posted by Leisa at 8:00 PM 2 comments
Sunday, July 8, 2007
Day 6 & 7
Well another lovely weekend nearing the end. We had a busy weekend for the family. Yesterday Amy-Jane and I helped with the church jumble sale. AJ helped out as the "Junior Cashier" whilst I helped man the baked goods and soup stand (see I know which stall to pick). It was a big day, we were there from 8.30 am to 2.00 pm. AJ had a great day helping out and what a good exercise for her maths skills. The jumble sale raised over $3000 for the Uganda Missions.

Posted by Leisa at 6:08 PM 1 comments
Friday, July 6, 2007
Day 5
The kids did there photo shoot last night of the pieces they painted at the ceramics studio yesterday. All three were very proud of their efforts.
So today after having a lazy morning we all went to church to help organise the fundraising jumble sale. I thought that I might have bitten off more than I could chew bringing the children with me but they were really very helpful.
The three of them gave their opinions on what prices items should be. Matthew showed his confidence and entrepreneurial skills in trying to over price items so that the church would make more money. They all were very good helpers and didn't even complain. Yes, not even once. But don't worry one stage their I thought that I would be actually bringing home more items than I had donated to sell! The joys of jumble sales.
We will have to pray tonight that the jumble sale goes well and the church sells just about everything there is to sell.
Posted by Leisa at 7:59 PM 0 comments
Thursday, July 5, 2007
School Holidays - Day 4 (Wed)
Yes well an exciting day here at home, the 4th day of school holidays! It's all happening. NOT!
I'm on the computer, Matthew is watching a DVD, Amy-Jane is doing some "craft", but in english that is explained as "making a mess and not going to clean it up". See I know that there is something lost in translation!
I have my nephew staying with us for a week or so over the holidays and he is in the toy room playing with Leggo. So yes more mess! Nothing like walking on Leggo pieces that has been strewn all over the floor. But he is enjoying it and can build the Harry Potter train quite fast.
Hubby is working, trying to organise work for his trucks. See this time of the year work is a little slow, so Troy has to chase work for his guys and on top of that it has been raining all day. But that is good for our town as I believe we have been taken off from Level 5 water restrictions, which have been in force for about 3 years to now being on Level 3. Woohoo!
That is exciting stuff for us! But I don't think we will rush out and reconnect our hoses back up as everything is really really wet! Since last week the town received quite a lot of rain where parts of the town were flooded.
Yes it is all very exciting! The kids haven't seen that much water lying around the town in a number of years. It is hard to even imagine that there are children (small children) in the town that haven't even seen rain!
Posted by Leisa at 3:24 PM 1 comments
Here Goes!
Blogs are apparently all the go now, especially with friends of mine! So that is right I am getting on the band wagon. One in, all in I say!
Now what to write about. Mmmmmmm! I suppose some sort of introduction?
OK, well I like playing around with programs on the computer. Well actually I seem to procrasinate (especially lately) of things that I should be doing! Like I should actually be teaching myself how to use Photoshop Elements as I love to scrapbook and want to have a go at digital scrapbooking. Or I should be doing hundreds of other things a Mother should be doing whilst on holidays with her children. What ever!
But I haven't even scrapbooked (traditionally) for the last 6 months or so. So yes, digital scrapbooking probably won't happen anytime soon either! LOL.
I love doing different things on the computer, sewing, scrapbooking, patchworking, blah blah as I love being creative. Unfortunately creativity hasn't been happening for along time due to work committments! But hopefully this half of the year I will have more time to do all the crafty stuff I love to do.
Yeah right! I can only hope!
I have to agreed with one of my dear friends that blogging is a great way to document down our everyday life so that in the future our children can look back and see what we did from either day to day or week to week. But I laugh as most likely in the future blogs will be something like the vinyl record and kids will say "did you do that in the olden days"!
And it is a good for the children to have their say about the days events as well as letting family and friends keep up to date with what is going on in our lives, especially since we don't contact with each other as often as we should!
So here we go!
Posted by Leisa at 2:53 PM 0 comments