Well not much happening but relaxing at home. Which has been enjoyable by all. Yes even the kids. We all have been catching up on our DVD watching, PS2 gaming and computer gaming.
We had Joshua (Leisa's Nephew) over for the first week of holidays, but now he has returned home. We enjoyed having him for the week and hoped he enjoyed the time away (out) from his parents. Now really I wonder who enjoyed the space???????

Today (Thursday) we all decided to go ice skating at Phillip Ice Rink. Well......... it was cold. It was colder inside than it was outside. But we all had a good time. Even Mum. Yes I was getting a little to confident on the ice and decided that I could try the ice skating thing a little faster! Well that wasn't meant to be... surprised!
Well I ended up on my backside! And it is no fun hitting the wall either! It hurts. My poor tushie is still cold. Anyway I just thought I would make a few people laugh. Yes it was all my family unfortunately! See that proves you shouldn't get to smart for your own good. Oh well!

Matthew, to our surprise finished his session 1/2 hour before the end due to him having very cold toes but it appeared that the lollies at the snack bar made that better. But Amy-Jane, WOW! She just wanted to keep on skating and skating. She kept on practicing at lifting one leg up. It was funny to see as you could see her getting colder and colder each lap of the rink, but she still kept on going until Daddy said "2 more laps Moo-er! And yes she didn't put up a fight what so ever.
We all had a good day skating and everyone decided that next time everyone would bring beanies, gloves, woolen underwear and cushions (for Mum).
where is the pic of Troy in his skating outfit??
Hey hey.... all i can say is Troy Blades of Glory.... and oh book me in cause we going ice skating....
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