Well another lovely weekend nearing the end. We had a busy weekend for the family. Yesterday Amy-Jane and I helped with the church jumble sale. AJ helped out as the "Junior Cashier" whilst I helped man the baked goods and soup stand (see I know which stall to pick). It was a big day, we were there from 8.30 am to 2.00 pm. AJ had a great day helping out and what a good exercise for her maths skills. The jumble sale raised over $3000 for the Uganda Missions.
Also on Saturday Troy went and picked up Matthew's new TTR125, also know to Mum as "The new blue motor bike". When Matthew first saw the bike he didn't appear to excited, but when Troy got the bike home, he and Matthew put sticker kits on it and a new louder silver exhaust. I asked why they changed the exhaust but apparently it is something that is known only to the men folk. I think some sort of secret men's business which I am quite happy to not know. We thought that Cash wasn't to interested in the new bike or really wasn't to sure on what to make out with the time spent in the shed.

So Troy set Matthew up and gave him all the instructions needed to get going. He picked up using the clutch (thingy) really quick and rode well. So as I am very proud of my husband and son with this new toy (for both of them) I thought I best take a few photos of the momentos occasion where the son has now gone from riding a KX60 straight to a TTR125.

New bike looks great Matthew..*shudder* [that was the physio in me] :)
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