This evening after tea we thought we would all sit out on the verandah and enjoy the coolness of the evening. It was really nice watching the kids ride around on their scooters. AJ made sure that Richardo was involved in the scooter riding as well.

Matthew was getting faster and faster each lap and then Troy decided to get the jump out and have Matthew jump the scooter. Crazy boy! I made him jump quite a few times until I got just that right couple of pictures of him. LOL!

After a while Matthew put the scooter down and decided it was going to be just as much fun to run and jump off the ramp. So he did. And so did the little sister, the father and mother! And all I could think of was a silly little song from the movie "Ice Age II" - "I believe I can fly".

Honestly, there is never a dull moment at this house!
what can I say ? *shaking head*
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