The Cooks spent new years eve at the Field house. Party, Party, Party! Certainly not. Everyone went to bed at about 11 o'clock. The kids had more staying power than the adults.
Troy actually went to bed at about 10 o'clock for apparently 15 minutes but he didn't wake up. So we all thought we would leave him.
Besides the New Year comes whether you are awake or asleep, right!
So as true aussie spirit we spent New Year's day at the beach. AJ and Matthew thought that they would have a go at surfing. Not bad for beginners. I had a go at it, now that was a laugh! And what a sight! Green peace would have thought that a whale out in the waters at Callala Beach! I did manage to keep my sunglasses on at all times......very stylish!
Steady, steady, up, up.......
.........and away! Splash!
Yeap! I can do this as long as there aren't any waves!
Notice there aren't any published pictures of me surfing. See I was just to good! Well at least in my mind anyway! LOL!
My bronzed Aussie!

AJ's impression of a beach crocodile!
great pics!!! happy new year :-)
and where are the special photos I took??
Yah Leisa where are the special photos Ro took. Great photos of the kids, Happy New Year - we actually managed to stay up and see it in this year (even when we had no intentions of doing so)
Happy New Yeasr to you too Leisa!! Love the new blog template updates, it's looking very swish! :)
Blessings to you
Love Chrissy x
I'm sure i had taken some pics too but can't find them as i said on my blog... Ro are you sure you dont have them???
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