One of our close friends invited us out to their lake which is about a 20 minute drive out of Goulburn. The property has a gorgeous house with a very beautiful and relaxing view of their lake. So as usual we all got together and spent Australia Day 2008 at the Lake House. There was quite a few of us - Cook family, Divall family, Staines family, Andrews family, Harmer family as well as a couple of other visitors.
We all had an enjoyable time. The kids and Dad's spent most of the time down beside the lake with the boat taking kids fishing, knee boarding and swimming. And the older kids went from this to motorbike riding around the property. This left the mummies under the shade of the bullnose verandah reading magazines and enjoying the quietness of the afternoon. Just great!
Saturday evening we did the traditional Australia Day BBQ tea which went down well as usual. Then after tea had settled in little one's belly's off to bed they went. Matthew camped on the verandah in his swag, AJ and I spent the night in the back of our car as the house was full and besides AJ and I wanted watch a DVD before we went to sleep. Troy and the other Dad's stayed up and did some male bonding until the wee hours of the next morning!
On Sunday morning Troy cooked bacon and eggs for everyone, which is a big hit with everyone. After breakie was finished the Dad's once again took the kiddies down to the lake for more water activities whilst the Mummies cleaned up and decided to read more magazines or catch a few moments of sleep!
The heat and the flies got to me just after lunch so I decided to head back into town especially since I had a great nights sleep in the back of our car......NOT!
But all in all everyone had a great Australia Day weekend for 2008! It good to be an Aussie!
Narambulla Lake House
Off to the Lake
Miss Zoe contented to stop and investigate the flora beside the Lake
Amy-Jane and Troy

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